
Groundbreaker Talents strives to provide full-time residential scholarships in Software Engineering tailored to enable young women from financially constrained communities to leverage their full potential and access a brighter future in the digital era.

Groundbreaker Talents is a unique opportunity for you and your company to make a lasting positive impact. By sponsoring scholarships, you not only give access to the training needed to thrive in the tech industry but also foster a more diverse pool of tech talent.

The new generation of tech talents starts with you!

Our Double Impact

Final Report Pilot Phase

The Scholarship Program

Frequently Asked Questions

You can support our program by becoming a sponsor, a mentor, a guest speaker, or spread the word by becoming an active ambassador.

As a sponsor, you will receive impact data for ESG reporting, regular updates, and a donation receipt.

The evidence shows the impact that holistic training programs (technical training along with the development of “soft skills” and job placement support) have on employment security, professional development, and wage earnings in people from developing countries. Tackling youth unemployment from the supply side is a promising strategy to improve the welfare of young people from underprivileged communities.

Uganda’s youthful population and high fertility rate forecast significant demographic growth. However, the disparity between education and labor market needs jeopardizes millions of young people’s financial security. Globally, technological advancements and automation reshape the labor market, emphasizing specialized skills. This shift raises unemployment risks, especially for low- and middle-skilled workers, yet it also opens avenues for well-paying secure employment. By matching skills supply and demand, we can offer younger generations the necessary means to succeed in the digital era.

Depending on their individual talents, the program focuses on the development of Software Engineering skills, including languages like JavaScript and Python, as well as Data Science, web and app application design with UI/UX, Product Management, and Blockchain technology.

We not only ensure access to high-quality training in Software Engineering but also the full provision of an adequate learning environment to ensure the successful completion of the one-year course and support the transition into employment.

We aim to target highly motivated young women from financially constrained communities who are enthusiastic about technology. We will especially target those who come from rural communities.

One full scholarship will cost 6,800€. The price is based on the current conditions in Uganda. Our administrative costs are fully covered, that’s why 100% of your support will directly benefit the scholars in Uganda.